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  • How to beat decision fatigue 🔥

How to beat decision fatigue 🔥

and marketing tactics to help

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  • Conquering Decision Fatigue

  • AI's OOH Advertising Revolution

  • Must-Try AI Tools Roundup

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🔥 How to Eliminate Decision Fatigue

We’ve all been there: transitioning from a morning workout to client work, jumping into an in-person meeting, then spending time with family or friends, only to end the day realizing we’ve worn six (or more!) different hats. The constant switching between roles can feel exhausting—and that’s when decision fatigue kicks in.

But here’s how I’ve managed to overcome it in my professional life:

Labels and Categorization.

→ First, I’ve introduced a simple yet powerful system: labeling. Every email from a client gets categorized immediately. I’ve created specific folders for each client and block off dedicated times on my calendar to focus solely on their work. This way, I’m not constantly switching mental gears and can give each task my full attention.

→ But the real game-changer has been applying the same concept to content creation. One of the hardest parts of writing is staring at a blank page and struggling to label or title the work. Having an effective title can be a massive challenge, whether it’s a LinkedIn post, a newsletter, or a pitch email.

→ That’s where a tool I discovered comes in. It uses analytics to score the effectiveness of titles and gives you suggestions to improve them. It’s been a lifesaver for optimizing everything from LinkedIn posts to white papers. Highly recommend it for any messaging you’re creating.

At the end of the day, the secret isn’t about eliminating the many hats we wear. It’s about minimizing the switching between them. By reducing decision fatigue, you’ll thrive in each role you (get to) play.

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Top AI brand news or cool spec ads I saw this week!


  • AI is revolutionizing out-of-home advertising, making it more precise and measurable than ever before.

  • A recent campaign by Cognitiv, powered by Billups' AI technology, successfully targeted specific agencies in New York City.

  • The campaign shattered misconceptions about OOH, proving it can be highly targeted and performance-driven.

  • Results were impressive: Cognitiv saw a 650% increase in organic LinkedIn searches and an 18% boost in overall organic search.

  • This case study demonstrates how AI is bringing OOH into the performance marketing era, allowing for strategic targeting and clear ROI measurement.



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